Do you wish you could talk to other writers who could tell you what is wrong with this sentence or that chapter?
Would you like FREE feedback before you send your manuscript to the editor so that you can increase your chances of getting a check rather than a rejection slip?
If you answered yes to either or both of these questions, you need a writers' critique group.
Whether you are a beginning writer or an expert, a critique group can help you refine the subtleties of plot and characterization, ensure your characters are believable, discover what to cut and what not to cut, and guarantee your article leads and closes are the best possible. Having help in identifying the rough spots in your writing before an editor sees it can mean the difference between receiving a rejection slip or making a sale. Doesn't every writer want the best possible version of his or her work landing on the editor's desk?
A critique group stimulates your imagination and provides a support group to help you grow.
Here are some of the topics you'll learn about in How to Start and Run a Writers' Critique Group:
- How to find original members
- How to organize the critique group
- The Dos and Don'ts of critiquing manuscripts
- Dealing with difficult members
- When and how to organize a formal club
- How to sponsor events like conferences, contests, and authors' publication parties
Would you like FREE feedback before you send your manuscript to the editor so that you can increase your chances of getting a check rather than a rejection slip?
If you answered yes to either or both of these questions, you need a writers' critique group.
Whether you are a beginning writer or an expert, a critique group can help you refine the subtleties of plot and characterization, ensure your characters are believable, discover what to cut and what not to cut, and guarantee your article leads and closes are the best possible. Having help in identifying the rough spots in your writing before an editor sees it can mean the difference between receiving a rejection slip or making a sale. Doesn't every writer want the best possible version of his or her work landing on the editor's desk?
A critique group stimulates your imagination and provides a support group to help you grow.
Here are some of the topics you'll learn about in How to Start and Run a Writers' Critique Group:
- How to find original members
- How to organize the critique group
- The Dos and Don'ts of critiquing manuscripts
- Dealing with difficult members
- When and how to organize a formal club
- How to sponsor events like conferences, contests, and authors' publication parties